Sunday, August 15, 2010


I can't believe I'm not going back to school! I found some photos from last year that i forgot about. This is the day that everyone was wearing plaid whilst being on our porch. Everyone looks funny in different ways.

Last day in saint louis for a while. I've been living out of my backpack this whole summer (As I've not been anywhere longer than three weeks) so it will be nice to unpack and stay a while somewhere. I'm doing a two month residency at the wormfarm institute, which seems like it will be really nice.
I'll try and update with what I'm doing there. I'm led to believe that it will be a combination of doing art and hanging out with veggies.
Also: remember when I said I'd try and have a real website up. Well I don't think that will happen for a while, but it should happen eventually.
Oh, I should have Skype while I'm away. My name is Jgootzeit. Let's talk!

Friday, August 13, 2010

ok japan

tanuki, as seen in pom poko

a garden gave us tea with gold leaf.

miniature replica of a famous zen rock garden. I like small replicas of famous rock gardens.

Kyoto- view from wandering around in the woods.

Ok: stamps from the temple we (me and Leta) stayed at. Stamps are big now. They seem to be some sort of fad. You get a little stamp pamphlet where you pay your admission fee for the temple or garden and there are stations to stamp your pamphlet.

These we found in our room. i think say the name of the temple. they're really cool and handcarved! Stamped into my sketchbook

Other stuff: Japan was fucking great! so good.
review of japan: fucking great.

Also things eaten:
okonomoyaki (oka mama mommies)
sonoran hotdogs